We're ready to rock-n-roll! Our move to Maine was a bit of a bumpy ride, but we're all settled now, and could not be happier to live in such a BEAUTIFUL place! Abby and Dewey love taking their walks on beaches now instead of sidewalks. We frequently hear the fog horns and ship whistles throughout the day. The resident 3 year old of the house can't get enough of the tugboats that we see cruising around the harbor all day. It's just awesome!
A big thanks to everyone for your patience. Getting all the last details for the
new website tweaked and ready took a few weeks longer than anticipated...but I think it's been worth the wait! The new website will make shopping much easier with the tabs along the top, and the checkout process will be much smoother, among other things that make the new site superior to the old.

We have some new and exciting products up on the website! Several more to come! We'll be featuring them individually during the upcoming week.
Thanks again for your patience and support during our relocation this summer.
Take $5 off your next purchase by entering:
at checkout! You guys are the best and we can't wait to serve you!
Ellen and The Classic Hound Crew