This is the incredible story of how Dewey came to be. He is a sporty dog who enjoys a game of fetch now and then. He's working on his obsessive compulsive urinating habits, but knows that he will one day prevail against the urge to pee on every verticle object he comes across. Above all else, he loves quick runs in the morning and a good kong to chew on at night.
AND INTO OUR LAPS!We were driving through the Deschutes National Forest for a family camping trip the night Dewey was rescued from the wilderness. 4 separate cars were caravaning to our family's favorite camp spot in central Oregon. My mother and brother were traveling together as the lead car when Dewey was first spotted. He appeared out of nowhere, literally, and darted across the road and into the headlights. "What the heck is a Chiwawa doing in the middle of the woods?!?" my mother exclaimed completely astounded. Mom stopped the car and when she and Lane jumped out and called out to the pitch black night, they heard nothing. Nothing at all. They pleaded for the little guy to come to them, when suddenly the sound of little dog toenails scraping against the asphalt could be heard, and very suddenly this little dog jumped right up into my brother's arms.
Dewey's poor nose was crusty and dry and his sides sunk in. He inhaled someone's leftover chicken sandwich and quickly slurped up some fresh water. He was so grateful and well behaved, we all found it impossible to believe that someone had abandoned him. Perhaps he somehow got loose, and was now lost. He had no collar or identification. We checked with rangers for a report of a lost dog, but none had been made. We camped for a full 10 days, and no one seemed to be missing this adorable little dog. It seemed that he truly had abandoned in the middle of the woods.
It only took us about 2 seconds to decide what to do with this dog. That whole week of camping he went everywhere that we did - he even slept in our tent. We were more than willing to keep him for our own.
Where did he come from? Why was he all alone in the wilderness? WHAT kind of dog is he? These are all questions that will never be answered for us. We lovingly refer to him as a Chiweagle - a Chiwawa Beagle Mix. Of course, we don't really know if this is true, but he sure looks the part!
Since he has become a member of our family, he has traveled with us on a x-country roadtrip and move from Oregon to New York. He's made friends in West Glacier, barked at buffalo and prairie dogs, visited Mt. Rushmore, and gobbled up some of the best BBQ chicken in Youngstown, Ohio. He spends many weekends with us in Connecticut to visit family, and absolutely loves life no matter where he goes. Now he's adjusting (extremely well!) to life with a baby in the house. He's a fantastic little dog! And we are so happy to have him in our family. Especially since he's practiced some self control, and only lifts his leg when out on walks! :)