Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Gifts Certificates JUST in Time!
Monday, December 20, 2010
DIY Felt Dog Ornament Classic Hound Style
In case some of you would like to try it yourself (seems like a great Eve of Christmas Eve project to me!), I threw together a little tutorial on now to sew your own doggie felt ornament. This is my first tutorial, so I hope it makes sense! Let me know if you find anything confusing or have any suggestions. Here goes.
2. Heat N Bond (instructions here). Note, you will not be using this fusible material for fusing - just tracing.
3. Iron
4. Pillow Fill
5. Scrap of ribbon for the "collar"
6. 4" ribbon for hanging ornament
7. Thin cardboard (I used one side of a Cheerio's box)
8. Scissors, thread, and a sewing machine
9. Liquid Stitch or hot glue to attach the ribbon/collar for your doggie
1. Download and print our (free) greyhound/whippet silhouette and cut it out.
2. Trace the silhouette onto a piece of thin cardboard (I used a Cheerios box).
3. This step is important. Carefully cut out the silhouette. Make special care to cute directly ON THE LINES, since you will be tracing and cutting again. This will prevent a chunky looking greyhound, or a mutant looking, bully whippet.
4. Iron a piece of Heat-n-Bond onto the wrong side (not applicable to most felts, but check in case yours has an obvious good and bad side) of your felt.
5. You are basically going to be sewing a doggie "sandwich", so flip your cardboard greyhound/whippet over and trace it's mirror image.
6. Cut out your silhouettes out (cut directly on those lines!). I cut out all along the outside lines and just thought this looked cool.
7. Even looks cool on the other side!
8. Once both silhouettes are both cut, peel of the paper.
9. Grab you 4" piece of ribbon to hang your ornament with, fold it over, and hold it in place (onto the smooth heat-n-bond side), and make your "sandwich". This is a great place to start sewing. Not only are you going to fix your ornament string in place, but you it's a great place to add the last of your stuffing and sew it closed.
10. Start right here on the ribbon.
11. Sew along the edge, about 1/8" seam.
12. Add a little stuffing along the way, about 1/2 way once you've got somewhat of a pocket to work with.
13. Keep going!
14. Stop once you get to the base of the neck.
15. Push the last bit that is unsewn open and a tad bit more stuffing with a chopstick or pen.
16. Back stitch and finish sewing your fantastically new dog ornament closed!
17. Do any trimming of threads and any mismatched edges of the felt.
18. Add some liquid stitch glue exactly where you'd like your collar to go.
19. Tightly wrap and press your ribbon into place.
20. Pinch with a clothespin and let dry.
21. Do a happy dance, because you're done!!!
Because Dewey is a super mutt (not to be confused with a super mutant referenced above) I had to draw my own version of they little guy.
And here they are together! I love them! My husband's first response to my artistic representation of our two dogs, was an immediate, "Was Dewey's "business" REALLY necessary to add there? I mean, seriously? That's pretty gross."
Yes, it is necessary. Considering how much the dude pees (along with other manly duties), yes, I'd say it was appropriate and necessary.
You may or many not want to add your boy doggie's business, but however you decide to sew your doggie's felt ornament, I hope you'll tell me about it, either here, through email ( or on Facebook!
Download the greyhound or whippet silhouette here.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Rudolph the Red Nosed Whippet!
Cute commercial that ends with a cute (and possibly cold) little whippet who looks just like Abby!
Friday, December 10, 2010
Gingerbread Muffins and a Winner!
Little Dude and I made these delicious & cute little Gingerbread Treats from It's A Vegan Dog's Life today for all our Collar Club members. Vegan Dog's Life even has a vegan recipe book that's worth checking out! They were tasty (yes, we tried them too) and would give a high recommendation to anyone who'd like to gift the dog in their life with this delicious and healthy doggie treat!
1 tsp. baking soda
1 Tbsp. ground flax
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 Tbsp. hulled hemp seeds (optional)
2 tsp. ginger
1 tsp. vanilla extract
2 Tbsp. applesauce
¼ cup blackstrap molasses or agave nectar
1 ¼ cups water
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray mini muffin pans with non-stick spray.
In a large bowl, combine flour, flax, baking soda, hemp seeds, cinnamon and ginger. Add applesauce, vanilla, molasses and water, mixing well. Scoop batter into the muffin pans and bake for 30 minutes. (we only baked for about 5 minutes because we used a mini-muffin pan). Remove and let cool completely before serving. Store in the fridge.
We tried the Cookie variation, and they were quite puffy and sooooo cute! They really seemed like the perfect marriage between a cookie and a muffin.
Cookies- Add ¼ cup of flour at a time until dough is firm enough to form into balls. Place dough balls on a greased cookie sheet and press flat with your hand or a fork. Bake until crispy. We obviously rolled out the dough and used our favorite little gingerbread man and doggie bone cookie cutters.
We do have some leftovers which we've decided to put into all the orders we can until we run out. :-)
Now, drum roll please! The winner of our matching collar and belt contest is . . .
Monday, December 6, 2010
Introducing The Squirrel Patrol dog collar!
We're nuts for our Squirrel Patrol collars, and we think you will be too! I don't know about your hounds, but both Abby and Dewey go bonkers when they encounter a squirrel. Totally crazy and they want nothing more than to pounce and attack the poor little guys. And the funny thing is that I pretty much did just that when I came across this ribbon. I pounced and attacked it as soon as I layed eyes on it, brought it home, and sewed these bad boys up.
Of course you can also order a belt or mini-martingale keychain for you to if you'd like. All of which make fantastic Stocking Stuffers!
Don't forget to order soon - Christmas deadlines are right around the corner (December 11th for domestic/US orders, and December 7th for International orders).
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Matching Collar and Belt Giveaway!
Finally! WE can be fashion hounds too and match our doggie's collar if we want! :) And just in time for the dog lover in your life this holiday season. Or maybe this is Santa's way of giving you permission to go ahead and gift yourself!
We had a grand ol' time taking pictures yesterday of the ladies of the house sporting the Kona Coffee collar. I put together a little album of some candid moments that were fun. Rhoda was so chill about the whole thing, Abby on the other hand was so excited, she could hardly sit still throughout the whole photo session. Sigh.
It seems I still have a bit more work to do in the training department with my little whippet girl. We're almost there, so close in fact. . . but I digress. Let me get to the point of this post.
It's time for a giveaway on this here blog! It's been months. Literally MONTHS. So I'm making it a doozy.
1", 1.5", or 2".
2. To enter a second time, "like" Classic Hounds Facebook fan page, or if you already do - find someone new to do the same - and come back here and let me know.
3. To enter a third time, share this giveaway on your Facebook or blog, and come back here and let me know.
The winner will be chosen randomly and announced this Thursday, December 9th.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Free Shipping at Classic Hound!

Enjoy FREE SHIPPING until December 7th at Classic Hound.
I can hear those jingle bells ringing, can you? They're off in the distance but the ringing is getting louder and louder...
Monday, November 29, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010
Introducing Kate & Rhoda!
Basically, the Classic Hound family has been launched up into a whole new "awesome" category since these two have joined us.
Just thought I should share them with all of you!
More soon,
Friday, November 12, 2010
Greyt Christmas Treasury

What a greyt treasury! Thank you for Jane, from The Dog House and Max & Molly Designs.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Little Guy is officially walking. He'll do just about anything to keep up with Big Bro! We won't have many more days like this in Maine - I think it's getting colder by the day. My upstate New York friends have been telling me they've got snow already.....eek! I'm not ready for that yet!
On a very different note entirely, my sister is hosting a Classic Hound Giveaway! Hop on over to enter for a chance to win a free mini-martingale keychain! :)
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Welcome Mini-Martingales
May I introduce to you our Mini-Martingales Keychains! And their only $15.00!
This one might be my own personal favorite (but I do love them ALL), please meet "Tweet!":

Check out the other Mini's and be on the lookout for a few more fun additions!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Introducing Corduroy Collars 2010

Hop on over and check out our new cozy corduroy collars. We've selected some fantastically colorful fabrics for you to choose from! Abby and Dewey are enjoying their collars at the moment, and they look pretty snappy if I do say so myself!
Notice that we even have a corduroy min-martingale keychain as well. We are all IN LOVE with our mini-martingales over here. More on mini-martingales tomorrow! :)
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Congratulations Neo!

contest final-1-2.jpg, originally uploaded by ClassicHound.
Congratulations to Neo! He's a little whippet puppy from Texas, and he sure is cute in his Festoon Blue collar! Neo will enjoy a $20.00 gift certificate that he can use towards any Classic Hound collar or leash purchase! Learn more about Classic Hound's photo contest by clicking here!
Finally! We're back . . . with a New Website!
A big thanks to everyone for your patience. Getting all the last details for the new website tweaked and ready took a few weeks longer than anticipated...but I think it's been worth the wait! The new website will make shopping much easier with the tabs along the top, and the checkout process will be much smoother, among other things that make the new site superior to the old.

We have some new and exciting products up on the website! Several more to come! We'll be featuring them individually during the upcoming week.
Thanks again for your patience and support during our relocation this summer. Take $5 off your next purchase by entering:
at checkout! You guys are the best and we can't wait to serve you!
Ellen and The Classic Hound Crew
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Moving To Maine
Yes we are. We are moving to Maine and this means big changes for all of us here at Classic Hound. We're still here though. I (Ellen) will be blogging and adding some new and exciting things to Classic Hound throughout the summer. So please don't be too upset that there won't be any collars or leashes offered throughout summer. They'll be back in full force this fall with lots of new designs. Handbags and charms will still be available, but our entire collar line will be on hold starting June 4. Once we've settled into our new facility, we will be back with lots of fresh fall designs. We are looking forward to being in the land of lobsters and moose. Meanwhile, come back here to the blog or check our Facebook page. We'll have updates, coupons and news of our fall kickoff sale!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Congratulations to our May winner, Isa!

isadot2CH.jpg, originally uploaded by ClassicHound.
Congratulations to Isa! She's a cute little whippet living in The Netherlands. Isn't she absolutely chirpy and adorable in her Hip Birdie martingale collar?! Isa will enjoy a $20.00 gift certificate that she can use towards any Classic Hound collar or leash purchase! Learn more about Classic Hound's photo contest by clicking here!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Out With The Old, and On With The New Header

How do you like our new header? We've made the change on both this blog and our website. I thought I should mention exactly who the two starlets are on the cover of Classic Hound. Dobé and Fiebe are two of our favorite whippets, and with faces like these, who could ever resist their charm! They're gorgeous and we love that they make Classic Hound collars look sooo good! Hop on over to read more about these two adorable whippet sisters.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Congratulations to Our April Winner, Pixel!
Pixel, the Italian Greyhound from Oaxaca, makes a new friend. A pup was never more appropriately dressed in the Charmingly Sweet martingale collar!! Pixel (don't you LOVE her name!?) will enjoy a $20.00 gift certificate that she can use towards any Classic Hound collar or leash purchase! Learn more about Classic Hound's photo contest by clicking here.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Chocolate Anyone? Yummmm

Or perhaps add a cherry or two?

A big thanks for the feature ladies! :D
Friday, February 19, 2010
Introducing Molly Mutt Dog Duvets!

I am thrilled to announce the arrival of a new bed line. Introducing MOLLY MUTT DOG BED DUVETS! These revolutionary dog duvets & stuff sacks make creating & maintaining a stylish, eco-friendly, comfortable, and clean dog bed easier - and less costly - than ever before. Prices start at $20!

Use one of these new duvets to recover your old dog bed, or stuff a new one with blankets & clothes from around your house. Durable, washable, and pre-shrunk, Molly Mutt duvets are 100% cotton, fully-zippered and gusseted for extra style and comfort.

Dewey & Abby have been sleeping on,

lazing about atop,

soaking up some delicious sunshine with,

and snuggling together on their new dog beds...and...

THEY COMPLETELY APPROVE, LOVE, AND RECOMMEND THEM! 4 paws up from Classic Hound's research team!